Adagio Teas Fruit Sangria Review, It’s Delicious!

Adagio Teas Fruit SangriaI recently placed an order that included Adagio Teas Fruit Sangria. It’s an herbal tea featuring strawberry, hibiscus flowers, apples, rose hips and lemongrass. It has no caffeine, which was important to me since I’m sensitive to caffeine and can only handle one cup of coffee a day. Adagio Teas Fruit Sangria has a subtle fruity, floral scent. At first, I was concerned that maybe it was too subtle and it would make for a weak tea. I was wrong. Recommended steeping is at 212° for 5-10 minutes. I steeped the tea for about 5 minutes. That first sip was so good. You can taste the strawberry, lemongrass, and rose hips well, while the apples and hibiscus are a bit more subtle. Refreshing and great both hot and iced, you need to check this tea out. I thought about adding some honey to sweeten, but decided against it. It did not need it and was sweet enough on its own. While I haven’t had sangria in a while, the taste was definitely reminiscent.

Adagio Teas Fruit Sangria




Developing a Tea Drinking Habit

Developing a tea drinking habitIt’s been a rough year, as I’m sure you can attest. I’ve had non-COVID medical issues and haven’t found answers other than taking more medication. One of the things I struggle with most is staying hydrated. I am rarely ever thirsty and I have to force myself to drink water. Tonight, I thought to myself that developing a tea drinking habit may be a good idea for me. I would, of course, have to avoid caffeinated teas, as the diuretic affect would work against the aim of hydration. That leaves herbal teas and decaffeinated teas.

I plan to research what teas are most beneficial for certain health conditions like high blood pressure, etc. Once I have a list, I plan to visit Adagio Teas and order a bunch of different teas to try. I will report back with my likes, dislikes, and any beneficial health effects I experience. I plan to make this a regular section of this website, so stay tuned.

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