Developing a Tea Drinking Habit

Developing a tea drinking habitIt’s been a rough year, as I’m sure you can attest. I’ve had non-COVID medical issues and haven’t found answers other than taking more medication. One of the things I struggle with most is staying hydrated. I am rarely ever thirsty and I have to force myself to drink water. Tonight, I thought to myself that developing a tea drinking habit may be a good idea for me. I would, of course, have to avoid caffeinated teas, as the diuretic affect would work against the aim of hydration. That leaves herbal teas and decaffeinated teas.

I plan to research what teas are most beneficial for certain health conditions like high blood pressure, etc. Once I have a list, I plan to visit Adagio Teas and order a bunch of different teas to try. I will report back with my likes, dislikes, and any beneficial health effects I experience. I plan to make this a regular section of this website, so stay tuned.

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